김종국 데뷔 20주년 이벤트 안내 - #김종국#데뷔20주년 을 맞이하여 파피투스 카페에서 다양한 이벤트가 진행됩니다! 이벤트 확인은 카페를 참고해주세요
Hello~ This is Kim Jong Kook^^
I had to film Running Man early this morning so I am sorry for not leaving a post earlier..
Exactly 20 years ago on this day, I stood on the stage for the first time. It's my 20th debut anniversary^^
I still vividly remember that day; I couldn't forget the excitement, sorrow and nervousness on that day. It was to the extent that I was too nervous that I couldn't remember what I did on that day ㅋ
20 years ago, it wasn't like how many people cheered for me now.
After that day, I slowly had fans who will cheer and love me for a very long time... Besides my family, I didn't had people whom I will receive love and interest from..
It was great, but it was strange and awkward.
During the early debut days, as an entertainer or a star, all these could happen naturally and they were took for granted, those were the days that there wasn't any meaning of thankfulness really felt well.
Now that I think about it, I was thoughtless and did not look at my surroundings.
No... it's just that it was like there was much thought given ㅋ
I did not know well back then that to give anyone that kind of love and interest was a difficult thing to do.
To live without embarrassment with this 20 years now as a celebrity, entertainer and a person is because of everyone here.
I do not know if you still remember but back then in a small cafe in Daehangno when I had a simple fan-meeting, I confidently made a promise to the fans - I won't embarrass Kim Jong Kook's fans.
Not only through popularity or skills but Kim Jong Kook as a human, I won't embarrass my fans...
Since then, I put in more effort to live.
With that, I am thankful that many good things happened and I was able to overcome difficulties.
I lack in a lot of things and personally put in effort but I guess there were parts that I left regrets or social rues in people's hearts.
But as I continue, while living day by day learning steadily with effort to become a better person, I believe, like 20 years ago there will be a place where I could deliver my sincerity eventually.
The post is getting longer~^^ In conclusion, for always taking my side no matter what happens in anytime and anywhere, thank you.
While living, I came to realise how precious it is to me to by my side.
In the future, without change not only as a fan, but please be here~^^
I will always live without forgetting how to be thankful.
In a while more as soon as possible, I will greet you all with good music.
There will be a better day!! Fighting!!
In this 20 years, without change, thank you for cheering and being together with me.
Everyone!!^^ I will also see you in my 30th debut anniversary!!^^" [Translated by Kim Jong Kook International Fanbase (KJKINTL)
Cr to kjkintl