150808 Leessang at Ansan Festival(安山文化節),Gary在演唱會中營救一名被人群推擠的小女孩,
昨晚一場名為Ansan Festival(安山文化節)的音樂盛典,Leessang 應邀出席這場演唱會現場
到了Leessang 登場演唱的時候,人群開始從後面推他們。這個小女孩哭了起來,
粉絲們只好不斷對著台上大喊 ..oppa!..oppa!..oppa!
粉絲描述,其實Gary oppa要做這個動作並不容易,因為舞台邊已經擠滿了太多人潮,
但Gary oppa一邊唱歌一邊做這個動作,之後還提醒歌迷,不要推擠、小心安全。
“昨晚有媽媽帶同小女生看演出,Leessang 出場的時候大家都瘋狂的推擠,小女生被擠到布景板,媽媽跟現場的觀眾抵擋不了人群的力量,只好把小女生抱起坐在台邊,並大叫Gary ,Oppa 看到後馬上跑過去抱起小女生,交給工作人員照顧,邊抱起小女生的同時還敬業地跟吉 oppa 邊唱歌。
Gary - Ansan Festival - carrying the little girl - fan account - the mother brought her daughter to the festival and they sat at the front row. Everything was peaceful and normal and then it was Leessang's turn. The crowd started to push them from behind. It was a tight squeeze for everyone, cant hardly breathe. Girl began to cry. Although this fan and others tried to protect this girl, the crowd kept pushing. In the end, mother and fans pushed girl up to the side of the stage. Below, we kept shouting..oppa! There's a kid here. Initially, he didn't hear it. Finally, he did and immediately ran over. Comforted the girl and asked her if she was ok.Then he carried girl offstage. Cuz he was at higher elevation, it wasn't easy to carry her up. At the same time, he did his part and sang "yeah" with Gil. It was really not easy doing both. Crowd shouted "kang gary so Cool!!" After a few songs, he made jokes and said their popularity is suddenly like that of Idols. But said really don't squeeze .. Be careful safety first! Very warm oppa! Really love you!! Cr: lifenababy . Translated it, do give credit back to this IG acct if reposting.
(cr lifenababy n trans cr mondaycouple_com)
附上Gary oppa拯救小女孩的視頻一段
CR luv_mondaycouple、Lifenababy
Gary oppa人群中救起小女孩
Gary oppa的演唱