Running man徵求粉絲創意活動又來了!!!!! 快來幫RM們設計專屬運動鞋吧
SBS 與ROOY合作: 徵求Running Man Shoe Design
設計他們專屬的Running man 運動鞋吧
Running Man Shoes
截止日: 2015,4/26
1. 展示你的想法設計Running man的鞋,將點子投稿至"Idea Box"
2. 創造並提交獨特的鞋子設計及新的符號標記
冠軍設計者 1 名 獎品: 產品銷售額的2%
頂尖設計者 7名 獎品: 全套Running man系列鞋款
優選創意 77名 獎品: Running man設計鞋一雙
*#런닝맨 신발을 디자인해주세요* 여러분이 디자인한 신발을 신고 #런닝맨 이 전 세계를 달립니다~ 4월 26일까지 많은 참여 바랍니다~
— SBS (@SBSNOW) 2015 4月 6日
You can design shoes for Running Man!
Do you have an idea for Running Man? Try designing a shoe! Your design can change Running Man forever. Don't miss this opportunity. Submit as many interesting and innovative ideas as you can imagine.
Show your creativity!
Two ways to participate
Ideas. Present your idea and style for the Running Man shoe.
All RM fans are invited to give their ideas in the "Idea Box".
Designs. Create and Submit a unique shoe design and new symbol mark.
Participating designers should include a new symbol mark with the shoe design.
All designs must be completely original and not contain any personal branding of the designer.
Contest Schedule
Design deadline: April 26, 2015 24:00 KST (Winner Announcement: Within two weeks from the design deadline.)
Champion Designer - 1 person: 2% of net sales
Top Designers - 7 people: A collection of the new Running Man shoes
Best Idea - 77 people: A pair of the new Running Man shoes